Frequently Asked Questions About the License:
When do we need to get our marriage license? In California, you need to go to a County Clerk’s Office any time within 90 days of your wedding. Remember, the license expires after 90 days, so pay close attention to the date.
What do we need to bring with us when we get our license? You are responsible for purchasing your license. You and your future spouse must go to get the license together. Be sure to bring a State-issued photo ID. It is a good idea for you to purchase the certified copy at the same time as your license. This way, once I file the license after the wedding, the County Clerk’s Office will mail you the certified copy of your license.
Why do we need a certified copy of the license? Often, employers will need to see the certified copy of your marriage license in order to add your spouse to your insurance and other benefits. If you are changing your name, those agencies (DMV, Social Security, Bank, etc.) will need to see that you are legally married as the reason for your name change.
How long does it take to get the certified copy? If you pay for it at the time of getting your license, it should only take 14 business days. If you wait to pay for it after the wedding license is filed, it could take longer.
Since we have to sign the license when we get it from the County Clerk, aren’t we married? Nope. You are not legally married until at least one witness (over 18 years old) and I sign it and file it.