– Same gender loving weddings

All Inclusive Personalizing and Officiating the Wedding Ceremony: Meeting with the couple, designing the ceremony, travel to rehearsal and wedding venue, and filing the license following the ceremony. I meet with the couple to design the service that reflects them. I create the ceremony and meet with the couple regularly (in person, or via phone, email, or Skype). Ceremonies can be as simple or as elaborate as the couple desires. $400 (Rehearsal $100) I will be flexible on my costs for very small (fewer than 10 people) weddings.
I generally meet with the couple one time to make sure we are a good fit and that we are clear about expectations and needs. Depending on the service needed, we meet regularly (in person or virtually) to accomplish those goals.
I have a Master of Divinity (M. Div.) from Chicago Theological Seminary, with a specialization in Pastoral Care. I have a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) from Methodist Theological School in Ohio with a specialization in Transformational Leadership. I am an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and have been ordained since 1988. I have served small, medium and large membership churches as well as serving in non-profits and educational settings.